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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Midtown... 34th Street, New York

I ran into Stacy here while waiting in line for the bus back to DC (yes, I take the bus, why not?). Aside from her obvious personal style, what caught my eye was the green tote over her shoulder. She had it custom made from her father's duffel bag that he had when in the military. I've been thinking about doing this very thing with my own duffel bag from my Air Force days, and even more so with my own father's duffel bag he got in the 60's when he joined the Air Force. Check out Stanley and Sons based out of Brooklyn where she had hers done.

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  1. Hey, that's my girl, Stacey!

    She's the raddest cat in our office o'sad, sad pantsuits and tragic synthetic fabrics.

    Always with the killer shoes, sick bags and super sweet side-swept bangs.

    Fresh dresser, awesome human.
