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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Meet Mrs. Amber Apple.

So on the Eve of Christmas Eve, I made a stop in Charlotte to meet fellow blogger Mrs. Amber Apple and Husband Stephen. Amber writes her blog on doing things vintage, and not just a little vintage, like all the way vintage. Like jump in the Delorean back to 1955 with Marty McFly vintage. About the 1920's through the 1950's is here life's inspiration. I've always had a soft spot for old school, and secretly wanted try the whole greaser look for the weekends, mixed in with some 40's New York Gentlemen on the work days. Frank Sinatra was a bit of my inspiration on how I'd hope to be as a man, cool, a bit mysterious, well dressed, loved by the ladies....ummmm OK, Back to Amber.

So when I walked into the coffee shop where we met, I looked over and saw this young lady who looked like an extra from a Clark Gable movie, toss in a iPhone and its 1940 meets 2011 to the fullest. Now meeting complete strangers is fun, and of course you wonder, what am I going to have in common with this person? Well it turns out a lot! I had to run down the street to my car with one minute to spare to add another hour to the parking meeter because we were all enjoying our conversions so much.

So if your wondering what the hairstyle Amber pulls off so well is called? They are called victory rolls, a look more identifiable to a pin-up girl in modern pop culture, it was the status quo of 1940's womens hair style. What was even more fascinating other than the fact someone could so confidently pull off this head to toe blast from the past look, was how meticulous her hair and makeup was. I mean, it was as if I was looking at an airbrushed photo in person, (darn you people with great skin!!). On to her hair, modern hair styles are loose and flowing, hair might be placed or styled, but there are still strays in even the finest done 'dos. As we were talking, every now and then I would starting look of how her hair was constructed. Out of the two hours we spent talking, I managed to find one, and I mean one lonely hair that managed to get away from the otherwise perfectly slicked, curled up master piece. Women of yesteryear would be proud of Amber for mastering what I've now come to find (after trying it on my wife twice now) a not so easy look to accomplish.

I could go on of how cool Stephen and Amber were, but It would take forever. Did I mention Stephen has some really great Edward Cullens hair going on? anyways. Genuinely kind and good people are becoming rare since the dawning of Myspace, facebook, twitter. Now being married, I like meeting couples who are equally awesome, who clearly love spending time together,(why get married otherwise right?) makes doing group things easier when everyone likes one another equally and not one more than the other. I look forward to visiting them again, and hope they become good friends of ours. Check out Amber's site here at

Amber and Stephen

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the feature! Best compliment ever :) Stephen and I look forward to seeing you and Melisa again!
